




  • 校园安全 Dispatch (773) 244-5600 (extension 5600)
  • Safety Escort Service (773)244-5600 (extension 5600)


  • Director of 校园安全 (773) 244-5222 (extension 5222)
  • 校园安全 Dispatch (773) 244-5600 (extension 5600)
  • 校园安全 Supervisor (773) 244-5720 (extension 5720)

Reporting Emergencies or Criminal Actions

For any life-threatening emergencies 首先拨打911, then immediately call 校园安全 at (773) 244-5600 (on-campus ext. 5600). You will be asked to provide:

  • 您的姓名和电话号码
  • Type of emergency or criminal activity
  • Exact location of the emergency or criminal activity
  • Description of individuals involved

回应你的电话, the dispatcher will send security officers and appropriate police, 火, or ambulance units to your location immediately.


Automatic External Defibrillators or AEDs are small, lightweight devices that look at a person’s heart rhythm (through special pads placed on the torso) and can recognize “sudden cardiac arrest.”

All Campus Security Officers are trained and certified in the use of AEDs. AEDs are located at the following locations on the campus:

  • 安德森教堂——游说
  • 安德森大厅——游说
  • Brandel图书馆-前台
  • 城镇大厅-大堂酒廊
  • 卡尔森健身房大堂-在升降椅旁边
  • 卡尔森塔– Next to elevators in lobby and floors 2-6
  • 卡洛琳大厅-楼梯顶,1st 地板上着陆
  • 汉森大厅-在1旁边st 楼电梯
  • 卫生服务- - - - - -内部办公区域
  • 海威格娱乐中心-First floor workout area/basement weight room
  • 霍蒙格林-1B softball dugout (need key)
  • 约翰逊中心- Basement- NW corner hallway by men’s washroom
  • 约翰逊中心- 1st floor-NW corner hallway by men’s washroom
  • 约翰逊中心– 2nd floor-NW corner hallway by men’s washroom
  • 约翰逊中心– 3rd floor-NW corner hallway by men’s washroom
  • 方面游说团体
  • 马格努森校园中心-前台
  • Nyvall大厅-大堂
  • Ohlson房子-前台
  • 旧主——游说
  • 公园北-前台
  • 物理设施-内部接待区
  • Sohlberg大厅前面的楼梯
  • 学生服务游说团体
  • 威尔逊大厅游说团体

Enhanced 校园安全 and Security

North Park University deploys a number of CCTV cameras across the campus to assist in enhancing public safety, monitoring and protecting University assets, and investigating criminal activity. The use of these cameras is consistent with the values of the institution. Cameras are mounted in and view only public areas and in no way infringe on any member of the campus community’s right to privacy.

Camera images are not monitored on a continual basis. Data from the cameras is stored on the University’s network servers and is retrieved and reviewed when necessary to affect the goals and interests of the 校园安全办公室. Only authorized personnel have access to the camera system data in order to review prior recorded activity.

The 校园安全办公室 continues to employ technology in the many facets of its operations in order to more effectively serve all members of the North Park community.


Items that are lost and found on North Park University’s campus may be moved to a central location in the 校园安全 office, 位于8号楼. If you believe you have lost something on our campus, you may also contact 校园安全 about lost and found items by calling (773) 244-5600.

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