Undergraduate 招生


You are coming to North Park to get an education (and we think a great one!), but we know this means a whole lot more than classrooms and homework. 我们的三大核心价值观——Christian, urban, intercultural—will challenge you in your academic pursuits, but also play a role in your relationships, your extracurricular activities, and your whole community experience. And you’ll be able to take what you learn outside the classroom back to your classes and on to wherever your journey takes you.

During 阈值 you’ll have a chance to get a taste of community life, and also learn about our expectations for all our students, 教师, 和工作人员 as we learn together throughout the coming year. To make sure you’re ready to dive in, here are some of the resources you should check out.

参与: Student Government, Clubs, and Special Events

There are many different ways you can dive into the community at North Park: student clubs, CAB (Campus Activities Board), and running for a student government office in SGA 只是一些例子.



All North Park students, 教师, 和工作人员 are expected to respect each others’ differences, 鼓励公开对话, and commit to caring for each other. The student handbook gives all the details; read it now and ask any questions you have when you get to campus.



As a Christian institution of higher education, North Park is committed to providing a campus environment characterized by mutual respect among students, 教师, 和工作人员. The University does not tolerate any form of sexual violence or other offense, 骚扰, 歧视, 报复, 或不当行为. Learn more about our policies and resources for keeping our campus and students safe.


North Park’s First Year Experience

Starting college is a big step. It is a time when you will be exposed to new people, places, and ideas. 教授, 大学工作人员, and your fellow Vikings are here to help you throughout your first year on campus.


Helwig Recreation Center

We are particularly proud of this incredible, 68,000-square-foot facility, where you can stop in for a quick workout, take a group fitness class, or participate in some of the community-building fitness challenges the staff creates throughout the year.



大学的部门 facilitates the 精神上的发展 of North Park students, offering weekly services, personal growth opportunities, and ways to serve the community and city.
